Business Execution | Code Of Talent - AI Powered Microlearning Platform

Business Execution

Change fails when the people implementing it don’t know what is needed to ensure its successful execution. The disconnect causes ambiguity, dispute, and anxiety, and places even the most accomplished people in a position to fail. COT solves this problem by encouraging learning by doing and helping employees drive business execution through microlearning. Learn more about how the COT SaaS platform can help to improve business execution

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Business execution

Help Employees Drive Business Execution through Microlearning

Business execution

Help Employees Drive Business Execution through Microlearning

The success of any change initiative depends on the knowledge, tools and expertise of the people executing it. Code of Talent makes change easier in an organization by encouraging learning on-the-job and helping employees drive business execution through microlearning.

Our microlearning platform can help critical business areas through better change management. Allow employees to learn while delivering on business goals and changing behaviors for business impact.

The importance of  Business execution

Business execution is the process of recruiting or training the personnel needed to support the company’s objectives and ensure their actions are aligned with the organizational goals. The following are some of the things that make business execution so important.

Align actions with business goals and objectives

Business execution enables organizations to identify gaps to address and ensure that all actions are aligned with business goals and objectives.

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Manage Employee Performance

In order to minimize employee risk, the organization needs to understand the relationships they have with their employees. This can be done by categorizing employee responsibilities and then managing their performance. Business execution ensures this by encouraging organizations to identify the teams and specific individuals in their organization responsible for the different activities and relationships.

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Document, Detect, Investigate, and Monitor Employee Peformance and Risks

It is the responsibility of every organization’s leaders or top executives to ensure that all employees act in a manner consistent with the performance and security requirements of their company. Business execution ensures this by encouraging organizations to have a well-laid out and consistent process for documenting, detecting, investigating, and monitoring employee performance and risks.

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Why choose Code of Talent?

  • Measure the ROI on your learning journeys that support your business programs

    Track and measure a full set of KPIs to understand your users’ learning engagement and performance to prove your ROI. You will have at your disposal a wide range of indicators that will help you in proving your ROI, at the engagement rate - measured in solved missions, appreciations, comments, etc., the number of active accounts, the daily average of users, the time spent on the platform, and others.
  • Easy and fast adoption of new processes

    Track and measure a full set of KPIs to understand your users’ learning engagement and performance to prove your ROI. You will have at your disposal a wide range of indicators that will help you in proving your ROI, at the engagement rate - measured in solved missions, appreciations, comments, etc., the number of active accounts, the daily average of users, the time spent on the platform, and others.
  • Change employee behavior

    Track and measure a full set of KPIs to understand your users’ learning engagement and performance to prove your ROI. You will have at your disposal a wide range of indicators that will help you in proving your ROI, at the engagement rate - measured in solved missions, appreciations, comments, etc., the number of active accounts, the daily average of users, the time spent on the platform, and others.
  • Employee engagement

    Track and measure a full set of KPIs to understand your users’ learning engagement and performance to prove your ROI. You will have at your disposal a wide range of indicators that will help you in proving your ROI, at the engagement rate - measured in solved missions, appreciations, comments, etc., the number of active accounts, the daily average of users, the time spent on the platform, and others.
Code Of Talent