6 Surefire Ways to Kickstart Effective Microlearning
Sep 8
5 min to read

6 Surefire Ways to Kickstart Effective Microlearning

Vlad Grigoriu
Vlad Grigoriu
Co-Founder & CEO
6 Surefire Ways to Kickstart Effective Microlearning

We’ll cut straight to the chase: we’re still in a global “Great Resignation.” Unusually high numbers of employees are leaving their jobs in many countries – and companies are readjusting their training and engagement strategies accordingly. 

One of the biggest changes we’re seeing is the transition to microlearning modules. Employers and corporate trainers are adopting bite-sized, manageable training programs to increase employee engagement. 

Microlearning should be quick and painless – both of which are crucial attributes to 2022 employees. If companies are going to retain their best workers and bring on new talent efficiently, they need training that actually (1) teaches, (2) engages, and (3) transforms into actions. 

Looking for ways to get started with microlearning in your own company? Here are six essential tips to keep in mind. 


1. Begin By Assessing Your Challenges


We usually advise trainers to consider their biggest hurdles first. Before you launch into designing and implementing microlearning missions, ask questions such as: 

  • Who exactly is the targeted audience? 
  • What do these participants need to learn? 
  • How is their current training subpar or ineffective? 
  • How do we want them to change/ what do we want them to achieve? – something along this line to relate to concrete, measurable actions/ outcomes

The most effective microlearning strategies are customized and adaptive to specific teams’ needs. Therefore, you’ll need to plan challenges that are unique to your industry and/or employee population.

Hot tip: consider working backward from your core objective. This can help you better understand what guidance, examples, tips, and support learners will need to pass their various challenges. 


2. Create Incentives for Learners


Almost 86% of employees say that training is important to them – but you can’t always expect employees to want to learn just for the sake of self-improvement or personal interest. You need to make sure participants realize what’s in it for them as they begin their learning journey.

That’s why we recommend gamifying your microlearning missions through incentive programs. These programs could: 

  • Award points or badges for completed courses 
  • Create friendly competitions between co-workers
  • Reward employees who submit valuable training ideas/content

A recent survey from Great Place to Work found that “employee recognition” was considered the most important to 37% of employees. When done correctly, incentive programs aren’t just bribes to increase engagement – they’re opportunities to recognize and reward hardworking people. 


3. Break Things Down into Milestones 


When you think microlearning, think “bite-sized.” These learning journeys should break down big core objectives into more manageable, less-intimidating pieces for employees. 

However, you shouldn’t get so wrapped up in breaking things down that you forget to implement milestones for big accomplishments. You need to celebrate how far learners have come to keep them engaged and moving forward. 

Every ten challenges or so, build in a milestone that marks a certain status level or success. Even better: give employees the chance to share their accomplishments via social media, team chats, or leaderboards. 


4. Play Around With Different Media 


Your microlearning missions should be short and specific, and that means staying away from long (tedious) blocks of text. We always recommend balancing out written content with fun: 

  • Videos 
  • Charts
  • Infographics
  • Quizzes/polls 
  • Podcast episodes
  • Games

By mixing up your use of media, you’ll create a multisensory learning experience that keeps users fully engaged. People get tired of reading and clicking through lessons, but if you spice things up, they’re more likely to keep going. 

Another hot tip: use a microlearning platform that makes incorporating multimedia easy. You need customizable software that lets you quickly (and simply) embed great content for your learners. 


5. Revamp Ineffective Content


Don’t waste your time reinventing the wheel. Most companies already have a massive repository of training materials – both digital and physical. As you get started with your microlearning missions, consider revisiting (and updating) your old content, rather than starting from scratch. 

Furthermore, as you begin to implement your microlearning strategies, don’t be afraid to redesign what isn’t working. If employees are reporting confusion or boredom during training, don’t just nix the module. Instead, find out what isn’t working and adapt. 

How do you find out which training tactics are ineffective? Send out polls. Schedule follow-ups with trainees. Talk to employees about their opinions on the program. You’ll be surprised how much feedback you can gather quickly. 


6. Make Your Lessons Easy to Access


Lastly, don’t forget that people need to be able to use microlearning missions and resources from anywhere – including cellphones, tablets, and laptops. As remote work becomes increasingly common, an emphasis on accessibility is crucial. 

Think about how your team will engage with the content via their various devices. Mobile-friendly learning options have never been as important as they are today, so focus on optimizing your content for phones and tablets starting on day one. 

Additionally, we recommend considering how your trainers and leaders will manage the microlearning software. Can they easily access the content, control approvals, and track competitions? If not, your microlearning journeys might cause some headaches. 


Need More Help Getting Started With Microlearning?


More than 60% of L&D professionals agree that microlearning is most successful (or quite successful) in supporting their organizations. If you want to engage employees quickly and effectively, you need updated training that meets their short attention spans.  

That’s what we’re here to help with. Code of Talent is an award-winning SaaS platform that allows employees to embrace microlearning and employers to reduce training time and costs.

If you’re looking for ways to kickstart microlearning in your own company, contact us. We’re more than happy to give you a tour of our platform and help you create a plan for transforming learning into action. 

Code Of Talent