Code Of Talent
Digital Learning
Nov 2
6 min to read

Make Training Hyper Relevant (Or Forget About It)

Vlad Grigoriu
Vlad Grigoriu
Co-Founder & CEO
Make Training Hyper Relevant (Or Forget About It)

Today’s average workplace looks quite a bit different than it did a decade ago – perhaps than it did even just five years ago. COVID-19, shifts to hybrid offices, worker shortages, and societal trends have all spurred massive change. 


That change extends into training procedures, too. 


One-size-fits-all, generic training modules just aren’t cutting it anymore. With the number of skills required for a single job increasing by 10% annually, Gartner estimates that at least 30% of the skills needed three years ago will soon be irrelevant. 


In other words, if a business wants to retain employees and stay productive in these fast-paced times, they need customized training programs that actually work. They need to teach relevant, modern skills that actually matter to employees. 


The good news? We know how to help you get there with microlearning training. 


1. Create Relevant Training Content


The modern workforce is stressed out and arguably overworked. According to Deloitte’s research, nearly 70% of professionals feel that their employers are not doing enough to prevent or alleviate burnout within their organization. 


A big thing that employers can do is ensure they aren’t adding additional stress to employees through training that (a) wastes their time and (b) doesn’t really help them be more productive. Training for the sake of training only adds to an employee’s mountain of tasks, which is why modern programs should be updated and highly tailored to individual needs. 


The truth is that off-the-shelf training is likely obsolete and full of content that doesn’t matter to your trainees. That’s one of the reasons many companies are turning to customized microlearning training programs to meet their employees’ requirements. 


Increasingly busy schedules (and decreasing attention spans) make it challenging to fit training into the workplace. Microlearning methods make corporate education more focused, interactive, and quick, and that’s crucial in today’s modern workforce.  


2. Tie Training into Career Advancement 


Generic training doesn’t just waste employees’ time – it doesn’t provide them with value that directly applies to their current roles and responsibilities. Employees want to feel they have the tools, knowledge, and ability to do their jobs well. Unfortunately, many modern workers don’t. 


Additionally, employees are looking for jobs that will offer them career development and advancement opportunities, and that includes education. 


According to Rallyware, 94% of employees would stay with a firm for longer if it invested in their learning and development. If organizations want to retain their best talent in the era of the Great Resignation, they need training that contributes to and builds employees’ careers. 


Microlearning in corporate training has long been considered one of the keys to career success. This is because it:


  • Allows employees to learn at their own pace on their own schedules
  • Increases knowledge retention in comparison to other learning methods
  • Hits on all of the important, relevant lessons while skipping the time-wasters


If your business is still using generic, run-of-the-mill training programs, you’re likely missing out on the opportunity to retain crucial employees. Now is the time to take standard training programs and optimize them to provide true paths for career development and advancement.


3. Keep All Employees Engaged


Overall, training needs to be a highly engaging experience – otherwise, it will not effectively appeal to general employees. We’re facing lower attention spans and engagement levels than in previous years, and trainers need to account for that. 


The percentage of actively disengaged employees in the United States is up. As of 2021, it’s estimated that only about 36% of employees are engaged in their work and workplace, according to Gallup. 


This disengagement extends heavily into the realm of training. When asked about obligatory compliance training, about 15% of respondents said they rushed through the content without listening or training. 


As you can imagine, if you’re using irrelevant or generic training modules with your team, you’re likely not boosting already-low engagement levels. You need training that’s more interesting and interactive – which is where microlearning content is a game changer. 


Microlearning platforms often require the participant to physically engage with the program – likely by clicking, dragging, dropping, or answering questions. This minimizes distractions and helps users feel actively engaged in their learning. 


Furthermore, microlearning corporate training content usually takes between five and ten minutes to consume. This helps prevent feelings of boredom and fatigue. Even if multiple concepts are presented in a row, the trainee is still more likely to feel focused than they would in more generic training setups. 


4. Don’t Forget About Remote or Hybrid Employees 


Lastly, it’s important to realize that generic training does not bode well for companies with hybrid or fully remote workplace setups. Considering that at least 35% of employees are offered remote on a full-time basis in 2022, most organizations cannot ignore this. 


Microlearning training platforms are widely accessible, which makes it easier for employees to access and participate in training from anywhere. If your outdated training setup requires learners to be in-office to engage, you’re easily alienating a big chunk of current and potential employees. 


At Code of Talent, our microlearning training platform is designed for multi-device delivery. Whether a trainee wants to learn on a phone while traveling, on their laptop at home, or on their office desktop, we make it all possible. 


Make the Switch to Microlearning – Today 


In a time when off-the-shelf training programs are doing more harm than good, microlearning solutions for corporate learning provide a new way forward. The goal is to make training content more relevant, valuable, engaging, and accessible to employees in all stages of their careers. 


Code of Talent is an award-winning microlearning platform that makes all of this possible. We’ve designed it to fit seamlessly into your digital ecosystem, and users have the ability to customize it for more impactful learning journeys. 

Are you ready to help your employees learn more, without sacrificing morale or productivity? Contact us for a free walk-through of our platform. You can also reach out with any questions you might have.

Code Of Talent