Code Of Talent
Oct 31
5 min to read

Onboarding and Microlearning – The Winning Pair

Andrei Radu
Andrei Radu
Growth Marketing Manager
Onboarding and Microlearning – The Winning Pair

Onboarding is your newest’s employee’s first real interaction with your company. This upfront training and support sets the stage for what’s to come – and it’s crucial that it paint an attractive picture for recruits. 


Research indicates that up to 20% of employee turnover happens within the first 45 days. Onboarding procedures are often overlooked, but they have a significant influence on how new hires feel about their position in that first month and a half. 


That’s why it’s vital that companies engage and educate employees adequately, right from the get-go. 


Here at Code of Talent, we’ve seen how microlearning facilitates an easy onboarding process that encourages recruits to stick around. Let’s take a look at how microlearning and preliminary training go hand-in-hand. 




(1) You Don’t Want to Overwhelm New Employees 


One of the most intimidating parts of starting a new job is the sheer amount of information employees need to learn and incorporate – quickly. According to HR experts, most new employees must complete an average of 54 separate activities for onboarding purposes. 


It’s easy to see how this could be overwhelming – especially if much of the training comes in the form of hard-to-digest, unengaging plain text. In the age of social media and digitization, most employees are looking for more stimulating formats.


Microlearning simplifies the entire onboarding and training process, breaking difficult concepts down into smaller chunks that are less overwhelming (and easier to remember). At the same time, it incorporates engaging content, including games, quizzes, videos, podcasts, and much more. 


Ultimately, you want your newest team members to feel that their training goals are realistic and achievable – and microlearning certainly helps with that. 


(2) Microlearning Is Flexible and Efficient 


When onboarding new recruits, almost every business aims to get them up to speed as quickly as possible. If you can improve the time it takes to make employees productive, you also reduce the cost of hiring and turnover.


According to The HR Digest, focusing on building an effective onboarding program can increase your new employee’s productivity by more than 70%. That’s why so many companies are searching for ways to strategize and optimize their current procedures. 


Rather than forcing your employees to set aside hours for their initial training, consider using microlearning journeys that fit into their daily schedules, quickly and easily. Microlearning is widely considered the perfect solution for the modern workforce, and it’s especially beneficial in those early stages of learning a new job.


Microlearning deals with small nuggets of information – most of which are presented in less than 5 minutes. This keeps the content highly digestible, but it also prevents your newest recruits from wasting time. 


Adopting a microlearning strategy can also make employees feel more productive and competent. They have the ability to work through learning journeys in a more personal, flexible way – and that can boost their motivation and engagement substantially. 


(3) Make Boring Topics More Relevant and Interesting 


Nowadays, no new hire wants to spend days sitting in training sessions or reading through printed-out instructions. We’re in the era of TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram Reels – and your onboarding content needs to keep up.


Of course, it’s not always easy to make dull topics like cybersecurity or sexual harassment training interesting. Perhaps that’s why Gallup’s data indicates only 23% of employees who have participated in a compliance or ethics training session would rate the training as “excellent.” 


For most, onboarding and compliance training procedures are just a box to check. Not only does this lead to poor retention of the information, but it also contributes to stagnant improvement on topics like equality, security, and legal compliance. 


If you’re looking to make these boarding topics more relevant and interesting, microlearning provides some pretty unique opportunities. A strong microlearning journey hammers into what makes a topic relevant to the trainee, without wasting their time or losing their attention. 


We’ve seen many companies use the Code of Talent platform to gamify and improve their current compliance training strategies. This contributes to a more enjoyable, easy onboarding process as a whole. 


(4) Onboard Employees From Anywhere 


In a workforce that is increasingly remote, your onboarding strategies also need to account for fully or partially remote employees. This is one of the prominent challenges organizations are facing when onboarding new recruits. 


Using a digitized microlearning platform is a surefire way to provide wide access to onboarding materials. Employees will have the opportunity to access and engage in training from anywhere at any time, marking microlearning as the onboarding strategy for the digital age


At Code of Talent, we allow new hires  to drive their own learning journey. Their microlearning experience is self-paced and accessible via a wide range of devices, from laptops and tablets to desktops and cellphones. 


Embrace Easy Onboarding With Code of Talent


Right now, hiring is more challenging than ever before – and many companies are realizing that their onboarding programs play a big role in their retention of valuable employees. As a result, they’re implementing microlearning modules that accelerate learning and increase productivity across the board. 


Our award-winning microlearning platform, Code of Talent, makes this easy. New hires receive access to customized, gamified training that makes learning both fun and measurable. Ultimately, our goal is to bridge the gap between the learning process and the desired behavior change, providing companies with new employees who truly know what they’re doing. 

Are you ready to adopt an effective but easy onboarding process? Schedule a call with the Code of Talent team today. We’ll walk you through a free demo of our platform and answer any questions you may have.

Code Of Talent